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Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Many people are in need of Lymphatic massage and have a hard time finding a therapist who practices this technique. Lymphatic massage...

What is a Health Coach?

Health Coaching is a relationship between the client and the Health Coach with the objective of assisting the client with achieving his...

Aroma Touch Technique

Aroma Touch technique is not a massage but can be incorporated into one. The technique takes approximately 30 to 40 minutes and is an...

Why Massage Therapy?

Why not? The perception of what massage therapy is has been changing over that last few decades but I am still amazed at how much further...

Migraine and Cranial Sacral Therapy

Cranial Sacral Therapy is a gentle touch therapy working deep in the body. Cerebral spinal fluid flows from the sacrum up the spine, into...

Let's Vibrate Higher

What does it mean "to vibrate higher"? We are made up of tiny cells that combine to make tissues, which combine to make organs, which...

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